From: Hekal - MUD implementor (hekal@ESTE.FAM.ULUSIADA.PT)
Date: 07/21/97

Does anyone has the code for implementing Mobprogs and Mob2_flag on
OasisOLC _?!?!

#| " Welcome to CL-CircleMud List"|##|                       |#
#| " Here is our first person"    |##|                       |#
#|                                |##|       Someday         |#
#| "Hi, my name is Hekal,...."    |##|                       |#
#| "and i.... and i am ......"    |##|       Somehow         |#
#| "I...I am a Mud-aolic :) !!!"  |##|                       |#
#| "Everybody !!!"                |##|       Somewhere       |#
#| "Hiiii Hekal !!!"              |##|                       |#
#|                                |##|                       |#
#| hekal@este.fam.ulusiada.pt  || Urb Cruz d'Argola          |#
#| a725495@ave.fam.ulusiada.pt || Rua A n.915 4180 Guimaraes |#
#| si22696@ci.uminho.pt        || Portugal                   |#
#| np57pa@ci.uminho.pt         || Tel/Fax - 432006           |#

     | Ensure that you have read the CircleMUD Mailing List FAQ:  |
     | http://democracy.queensu.ca/~fletcher/Circle/list-faq.html |

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