Re: [NEWBIE] Getting OasisOLC

From: Daniel Whelan (merlin@OPHELAN.COM)
Date: 08/06/97

>On Wed, 6 Aug 1997, Daniel Whelan wrote:
>>Where can I get it? Does it run under CircleMUD or is it an offline editor?
>OLC = OnLine Creation.

Cool! I like them. :)

>I think this is the CircleMUD list so it should run on CircleMUD without
>any problems.  If you want locations, try the FAQ, it'll list the FTP
>sites.  If you want my site, try the Off-Cambot page, two clicks and you're
>there.  I want any and all bug/crash reports from it mailed to the address
>you'll find on my OasisOLC web page.  Most things should work now but I'm
>waiting for the Windows 95 MSVC people to get back to me on whether they
>can do sedit, medit, and zedit new.

Is it source code that you add to the MUD and compile with it? If so, does
anyone know if it does anything involving the networking or file system?


| Daniel Whelan         |
|                                   |

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