Mud Cheats page fix DUPING EQ in loggin

From: Beyond Exiled (exiled@NNI.COM)
Date: 10/30/97

Hope somebody finds this usefull only my second post but
I found this bug rather annoying. It might need to be modified
some to fit your mud. I am not sure how much of it is stock.
I take no responsiblity want no recognition.
Basically all I did was hack the reconnect stuff.

In iterpreter.c add the following:

    case '1':
+    /* now check for linkless and usurpable */
+      for (tmp_ch = character_list; tmp_ch; tmp_ch = tmp_ch->next)
+       if (!IS_NPC(tmp_ch) &&
+           GET_IDNUM(d->character) == GET_IDNUM(tmp_ch)) {
+         if (!tmp_ch->desc) {
+           SEND_TO_Q("Reconnecting.\r\n", d);
+           act("$n has reconnected.", TRUE, tmp_ch, 0, 0, TO_ROOM);
+           if(!d->unix_name)
+             sprintf(buf, "%s [%s] has reconnected.", GET_NAME(d->character), d->host);
+            else
+              sprintf(buf, "%s [%s@%s] has reconnected.", GET_NAME(d->character), d->unix_name, d->host);
+           mudlog(buf, NRM, MAX(LVL_IMMORT, GET_INVIS_LEV(d->character)), TRUE);
+         }
+         free_char(d->character);
+         tmp_ch->desc = d;
+         d->character = tmp_ch;
+         tmp_ch->char_specials.timer = 0;
+         STATE(d) = CON_PLAYING;
+        return;
+        } else {
      /* this code is to prevent people from multiply logging in */
      for (k = descriptor_list; k; k = next) {
        next = k->next;
        if (!k->connected && k->character &&
            !str_cmp(GET_NAME(k->character), GET_NAME(d->character))) {
          SEND_TO_Q("Your character has been deleted.\r\n", d);
          STATE(d) = CON_CLOSE;
+        }

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