Core Dumps

From: Nathan Clemons (silk@ICI.NET)
Date: 10/31/97

Question: running circle on a Linux system (Linux cmoo 2.0.29 #3 Sun Sep 21
21:42:33 EDT 1997 i586), and, as is standard, when the mud crashes it
generates a core file. Problem is when I go to use gdb on it, it says:

Couldn't fetch registers from core file: File in wrong format
Couldn't fetch registers from core file: File in wrong format
#0 0x0 in ?? ()

     It is the right file (lib/core). Any ideas? It's GDB 4.15.1
(i486-slackware-linux), Copyright 1995 Free Software Foundation, Inc...
working with gcc).

     Tried recomp'ing w/ -ggdb, same result.


  |     .--.        .-----------       StormeRider    |
  |    // / \  __  /    ------   |
  |   ///////\(  `-,   ----                           |
  |  //// /// '~ (    ---         CircleMUD 3.0bpl11  |
  | // /  // :    ; ---                based on       |
  |/     /  /)   / --              DikuMUD GAMMA 0.0  |
  |         //..\\                  on a Linux i486   |
   |       '//||\\`                 |
   |    |

     | Ensure that you have read the CircleMUD Mailing List FAQ:  |
     | |

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