Re: affect_join and more than one AFF_ vector

From: Angus Mezick (angus@EDGIL.CCMAIL.COMPUSERVE.COM)
Date: 02/03/98

     whoops, missed the point
     i was talking about an AFF2_NAME and AFF_NAME and the fact that
     affect_modify only works on AFF_NAME's vector.  Two flags at once is
     easy, check out the bless spell.

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Subject: Re:  affect_join and more than one AFF_ vector
Date:    2/3/98 1:32 PM

On Tue, 3 Feb 1998, Angus Mezick wrote:

>     has anyone come up with a way to use more that one AFF_ vector with
>     affect join?  I am trying to avoid modifying the affected_types struct
>     that is saved in the pfile but I don't know if i will get away with
>     it.  What did other people do to get around this problem?

You can use two AFF_ flags at once, with some side effects.

    af.type = SPELL_POISON;
    af.duration = amount * 3;
    af.modifier = 0;
    af.location = APPLY_NONE;
    af.bitvector = AFF_POISON | AFF_SICKY;
    affect_join(ch, &af, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE);

Of course, you cannot get rid of one flag without the other going too...

This was on the mailing list a short while ago, try the queensu mailing

     George Greer  -

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