Re: hello all, (AGAIN, hehe)

From: Will Shaw (romulan@DIALUP.DSTM.COM)
Date: 02/19/98

As for adding levels, there's a document on this at Alex's snippet site.

For your who list, you need to create a character constant such as this:

const char *wiz_text[LVL_IMPL - (LVL_IMMORT - 1)] = {
        " Immortal 1",
        " Immortal 2",
        " Immortal 3",
        " Implementor" };

Then you can create a space in the do_who function to display this title if
the character is immortal:

sprintf(buf, "%s[%s] %s %s (%s)",
(GET_LEVEL(tch) >= LVL_IMMORT ? CCBLU(ch, C_SPR) : ""),
wiz_text[GET_LEVEL(tch)-LVL_IMMORT], GET_NAME(tch),
GET_TITLE(tch), pc_race_types[(int) GET_RACE(tch)]);

...or however your who list is set up.   I think that covers it...

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