Re: More on Passwords

From: Daniel Koepke (dkoepke@CALIFORNIA.COM)
Date: 03/05/98

On Thu, 5 Mar 1998, John Evans wrote:

->Check in structs.h for MAX_PWD_LENGTH, I'll bet that you'll find the
->#define MAX_PWD_LENGTH  8
->I have mine at 10, and it's that way in stock. I'd start checking there to
->see if you changed it for some reason.

Assuming that we're encrypting passwords with crypt(), wouldn't it be
best to set it to 13?  I mean, that is, after all, the constant length
of an encrypted password (2 for the salt, 11 for the encrypted
password).  So, even at 10 you trim off the last 3 characters of the
encrypted password, which I would regard as a bug.  Or, I may just be
missing something?


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