Re: Compiling & spec_procs

From: Christopher Avans (parka@CDC.NET)
Date: 06/23/98

  O and I am sorry not to spam post but for more than one eye to see along
with last mail. Do not compile with the developer after pathing type as
listed in last mail type nmake. Nmake is the dos compiler tht comes with

On Wed, 24 Jun 1998, I Chose No Name wrote:

> [ Compiling  ]
> Okay, couple probs here-
>   First of all, I get this when I compile a stock circle 3.0 bpl11
> Linking...
> LIBC.lib(wincrt0.obj) : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol _WinMain@16
> Release/circle2.exe : fatal error LNK1120: 1 unresolved externals
> Error executing link.exe.
> circle2.exe - 2 error(s), 0 warning(s)
> Okay, I'm running Win95, Microsoft Developer Studio Standard Edition
>'s exactly what I did:
> I unzipped circle, made a new project and all, inserted all the .c and .h
> files into the project, as well as wsock32.lib, and compiled and got that
> error.  Anyone know what i'm doing wrong?
> [ spec_procs ]
> Okay, I wanted to have some mobs do stuff when ppl enter the far,
> the only way i've found how to do it is..well, i havn't found one.  (maybe
> make a new command, ACMD(do_arrive) {} and have a command_interpreter(ch,
> "arrive") when they enter a room, and an if (IS_CMD("arrive")) in a spec
> proc??)  I was wondering if there's any nice, clean way to do this, or if that
> thing i just said works...not really sure, 'cause i can't test anything 'cause
> i can't compile :) thanks in advance for all the help i ((hope i will)) get
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