Re: [CODE] Info Channel

From: James Turner (turnerjh@XTN.NET)
Date: 06/25/98

"Pat O'Laughlin" <polaughlin@STARIX.NET> writes:

> For anyone who was wondering how to put an info channel on your MUD
> (when player enters game, dies, levels etc.), here is how I did it:
> *** utils.h - at the bottom of the file ***
> void infochan(char *str, int level)
> {
>   char buf[MAX_STRING_LENGTH];
> }
> *** end utils.h ***

Don't put functions in .h files :)  Put them in .c files, then
prototype them somewhere.  I'm assuming you meant to do that and just
typo'd when you posted (lord knows I do that often enough).

OBCircle: I'm writing a function to verify a zone.  One thing it will
check is that the world is toplogically sound (ie going east then west
brings you back to the same room and so forth), that both sides of an
exit have doors, etc.  Anyone have any ideas for what else would be
good to check for?  When it's done I'll be glad to post it here if
anyone is interested.


James Turner                   UIN: 1102038

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