From: Dan Argent (
Date: 01/13/99

Automated mulitplaying detection?
I wouldn't say it's impossible.
If we go back to the basics of a player who has two characters,
at any one time, that person will only be keying in commands for one of
the characters.
 Now, if two players were suspected of muliplaying, a watch could be kept
on imcoming commands, and although it doesn't prove anything, if commands
from both characters are recieved within a certain time limit, i.e. < the
time to change windows and type, then you can be reasonably sure that the
two characters are separate.  Of course if the characters have different
IP's then it's a little less conclusive.


> Someone, a day or so, asked if there was some surefire way of determining
> if someone is multiplaying or not.  The answer is (well in my opinon) no.
> There ARE ways of determining certain types of multiplaying and a couple
> of those were mentioned a few months ago when this thread took place
> back then.  Check the archives for what was talked about back then.
> If I remember right, some people felt very strongly about email
> registration for the mud.  While interesting, it's still too easy
> to break even if you disregard all of the free email sites out there.

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