Boat w/ extra values

From: Ryan Dean (
Date: 02/15/99

Hello again I am trying to make it so that if you have a boat it helps
your hp, damroll, hitroll, etc but ONLY in in the
hit function i tried adding some variables - here is my function tell me
what you think
Some info:
I have circle 30.14 etc
The mud runs fine until i fight in SECT_WATER_NOSWIM hehe funny.

The code:
void hit(struct char_data * ch, struct char_data * victim, int type)
  struct obj_data *wielded = GET_EQ(ch, WEAR_WIELD);
  struct obj_data *obj= GET_EQ(ch,ITEM_BOAT); <-

  int w_type, victim_ac, calc_thaco, dam, diceroll;

  /* Do some sanity checking, in case someone flees, etc. */
  if (ch->in_room != victim->in_room) {
    if (FIGHTING(ch) && FIGHTING(ch) == victim)

  /* Find the weapon type (for display purposes only) */
  if (has_boat(ch) && (SECT(ch->in_room) == SECT_WATER_NOSWIM))
    w_type = GET_OBJ_VAL(obj, 0) + TYPE_HIT;
  else if (wielded && GET_OBJ_TYPE(wielded) == ITEM_WEAPON)
    w_type = GET_OBJ_VAL(wielded, 3) + TYPE_HIT;
  else {
    if (IS_NPC(ch) && (ch->mob_specials.attack_type != 0))
     w_type = ch->mob_specials.attack_type + TYPE_HIT;
      w_type = TYPE_HIT;

  /* Calculate the THAC0 of the attacker */
  if (!IS_NPC(ch))
    calc_thaco = thaco((int) GET_CLASS(ch), (int) GET_LEVEL(ch));
  else          /* THAC0 for monsters is set in the HitRoll */
    calc_thaco = 20;

  calc_thaco -= str_app[STRENGTH_APPLY_INDEX(ch)].tohit;
  calc_thaco -= GET_HITROLL(ch);
  calc_thaco -= (int) ((GET_INT(ch) - 13) / 1.5);       /* Intelligence
helps! */
  calc_thaco -= (int) ((GET_WIS(ch) - 13) / 1.5);       /* So does wisdom

  /* Calculate the raw armor including magic armor.  Lower AC is better.
  victim_ac = GET_AC(victim) / 10;
  if (has_boat(victim) && (SECT(victim->in_room) == SECT_WATER_NOSWIM))
  victim_ac -= GET_OBJ_VAL(obj,3) / 10; <- (I know i should make this
another value like objv with victim instead of character but hey)

  if (AWAKE(victim))
    victim_ac += dex_app[GET_DEX(victim)].defensive;
  victim_ac = MAX(-10, victim_ac);      /* -10 is lowest */
  /* roll the die and take your chances... */
  diceroll = number(1, 20);

  /* decide whether this is a hit or a miss */
  if ((((diceroll < 20) && AWAKE(victim)) &&
       ((diceroll == 1) || ((calc_thaco - diceroll) > victim_ac)))) {
    /* the attacker missed the victim */
    if (type == SKILL_BACKSTAB)
      damage(ch, victim, 0, SKILL_BACKSTAB);
      damage(ch, victim, 0, w_type);
  } else {
    /* okay, we know the guy has been hit.  now calculate damage. */
    /* Start with the damage bonuses: the damroll and strength apply */
    dam = str_app[STRENGTH_APPLY_INDEX(ch)].todam;
    dam += GET_DAMROLL(ch);
    if (has_boat(ch) && (SECT(ch->in_room) == SECT_WATER_NOSWIM)) {
      dam += dice(GET_OBJ_VAL(obj,1),GET_OBJ_VAL(obj,2));<-

    } else {
blah blah blah

.... thats all the code i edited
Sorry bout that huge snippet but please could ya help me out i think my
problem is where the <-'s are

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