Re: [CODE] Screen.h

From: Brian (
Date: 03/02/99

If you meant "colors" instead of "coolers" then, no.  The ANSI standard only
calls out 8 colors, and then another 8 half-shade colors (for a "real" total
of 16 colors).  It is not currently possible to call out any other colors
than those.  While it's entirely possible to program more colors, and make
up your own color strings, you'd need a MUD client that could decode the
strings back into specific colors.  I don't believe any MUD client supports

 - brian finley

----- Original Message -----
From: Jeramy Singleton <>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, March 02, 1999 7:28 PM
Subject: Re:  [CODE] Screen.h

>Hey i was wondering does anyone have any other coolers besides the ones
>come with Circlemud. Like purple or dark green or silver or anything like
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