Re: [BUILDING] Format error in world files?

From: Sean Daley (
Date: 03/06/99

> #1000
> Borg Cube, Grid 0, Unimatrix 0, Tertiary Adjunct 0~
>    All around you are Borg drones.  Some are regenerating, whilst others
> are interfacing with computer consoles.  High pitched buzzing noises
> indicate the presence of some type of repair drone nearby, as you see
> sparks flying nearby.  You see the corridor continue in every direction.
> ~
> 10 dg 0
> D0
> You see the Borg Cube stretch on for what seems like miles.
> ~
> 0 -1 1001

I don't know if this is your problem, because I really don't know much
about building, but the building docs for circlemud say that the general
format of a direction is:

D<direction number>
<general description>
<keyword list>~
<door flag> <key number> <room linked>

Just grabbing an example room a lib/world/wld the directions there look

In the east, you see a small alcove with a rickety wooden sign which
reads "Midgaard Donation Room."
0 -1 3063

> D1
> You see the Borg Cube stretch on for what seems like miles.
> ~
> 0 -1 1010

You'll notice in all of your entries, you're missing a ~ from the
keyword list.


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