Re: [COMPILE] Circle30bpl15 and dg_pl6_with_oasis compil e error

From: Phillip Cowan (
Date: 03/19/99

Hey, that got it. I actually had to drop in this at line 40, rather than
delete it. But thanks so much.

40: extern struct spell_info_type spell_info[];


-----Original Message-----
From: Peter Nielsen [mailto:acido@DVMUD.NET]
Sent: Friday, March 19, 1999 12:53 PM
Subject: Re:  [COMPILE] Circle30bpl15 and dg_pl6_with_oasis
compile error

On Thu, 18 Mar 1999, Phillip Cowan wrote:

> Circlers'

> undefined reference to `spells'
> make[1]: *** [../bin/circle] Error 1
> make[1]: Leaving directory
> `/inet/circle30bpl15.vittlemaster/'
> make: *** [all] Error 2

spells[] dosn't exist anymore in bpl15

> 38:    extern const char *apply_types[];
> 39:    extern const char *container_bits[];
> 40:    extern const char *spells[];

delete the above line

> 41:    extern struct board_info_type board_info[];
> 582:   void oedit_disp_spells_menu(struct descriptor_data *d)
> 583:   {
> 584:     int counter, columns = 0;
> 585:
> 586:     get_char_cols(d->character);
> 587:   #if defined(CLEAR_SCREEN)
> 588:     send_to_char("^[[H^[[J", d->character);
> 589:   #endif
> 590:     for (counter = 0; counter < NUM_SPELLS; counter++) {
> 591:       sprintf(buf, "%s%2d%s) %s%-20.20s %s", grn, counter, nrm, yel,
> 592:                spells[counter], !(++columns % 3) ? "\r\n" : "");

change spells[counter] to spell_info[counter]

> 593:       send_to_char(buf, d->character);
> 594:     }
> 595:     sprintf(buf, "\r\n%sEnter spell choice (0 for none) : ", nrm);
> 596:     send_to_char(buf, d->character);
> 597:   }
> *** end snip oedit.c ***

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