Re: [IDEA]

From: Deltanet (
Date: 03/30/99

> Readme file:
> ---snip---
> This patch adds in a few things that players and immortals alike
> may find very
> useful. Using OasisOLC, you will now be able to list areas as
> open or closed,
> and have certain ranking immortals be able to approve (*open*) a
> zone (*area
> reviewers*).
> Also, there is a new command, areas. This shows the areas in a
> pagestring'd
> format such as:
>  Limbo - Internal               (0 to 0) Closed.
>  God Simplex                    (10 to 30) Open.
>  The Old Keep [Ar]              (0 to 0) Closed.
>  Northern Midgaard Main City    (0 to 0) Closed.
>  Newbie Zone                    (0 to 0) Closed.
> Players will be able to know where to go based on what lvl they
> are and what
> lvl the area is as well.
> Just finished this off, so bon appetit! Oh, and any problems please email
> -- end snip --
> ---
> B. Brown
> Webmaster, CircleMUD WTFaq

I went to the above site and using winzip I get this error:
"Error reading header after processing 0 entries."
I then went to
and got the same result?
Is there actually something there for me to download?
The patch description looks as if it would accomplish what I would like,
hope I can get it.

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