Re: CODE: areas

From: Robert Moon (
Date: 08/14/99

At 09:05 PM 6/1/99 +0000, you wrote:
>I took out all the areas, except the 0.bla files. I removed them from the
>index files and I changed the starting rooms. However I get a ton of these
>SYSERR: attempt to assing spec to non-existant [room/obj/mob] #[vnum]
>Where is this handled at? And can it be nicely removed?

The best tool for tracking down which files generate which error messages
is the "grep" command.  If you are new to UNIX commands, the syntax is:

grep "<insert sought-after text in quotes here>" *.c

The *.c tells the computer to only search files that end with the .c
extension.  If you have no clue as to where something might be coming from,
duplicate your grep command, replacing the *.c with *.h to search the
header files.  Never search for * alone or *.o, since you'll get tons of
gobbledygook from the .o files.  Be sure to execute the command while you
are in the src directory.

In this instance, I would enter the src directory and type:

       grep "Attempt to assign" *.c

When I executed this command on my computer just now, it told me that that
exact wording and capitalization is only found in spec_assign.c.  If I
wanted my search to be case-insensitive, I would have appended the option
-i at the end of the command, so it would search for "attempt to assign" as
well as "atTempT to AsSIGN" and any other capitalization permutation
thereof.  If I wanted it to list the line numbers, I would append the
option -n at the end of the command, or -in for both case-insensitivity AND
line numbers.

Use the grep command extensively!  It is your friend.

ICQ:  14598527

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