Re: ERROR, when someone logs on...

From: Emil Nilimaa (
Date: 09/20/99

>On Mon, 20 Sep 1999, Emil Nilimaa wrote:
> > > >SYSERR: Received SIGHUP, SIGINT, or SIGTERM.  Shutting down...
> > >
> > >A player should never be able to generate this signal.  The user of
> > >shell account can though, or root.
> > >
> >
> > hmm strange... i think its just from that particular site too.
> > I once put up a stock code on a computer, and when i tried to log on
> > from that site, the mud hanged, and that msg came up too.
> > Its same site as this player is loggin in from...
> >
>I had a player that every *other* time he logged in it crashed the mud.
>How's that for a tough one to track down.  Luckily he stopped coming
>around because I never figured out what the deal was with his specific
>site that caused that.
>Sterling @ Wyld Knight


Off course that msg wasnt made from the player that tried to log in.
Just what dumbass me thought when checking the log. It was my puny ass
that closed the terminal... and created that msg.

Here is what happen instead.
I thought the mud crashed, but it didnt. It just LAGGED a whole lot of
shit... until that character closed his connection. then the stuff in the
mud spammed by.
This is what is made in the log file.

SYSERR: gethostbyaddr: Connection timed out
Sep 20 19:19:11 :: WARNING: EOF on socket read (connection broken by peer)
Sep 20 19:19:11 :: Losing descriptor without char.
Sep 20 19:19:11 :: SYSERR: Missed 80 seconds worth of pulses.
SYSERR: gethostbyaddr: Connection timed out
Sep 20 19:22:22 :: WARNING: EOF on socket read (connection broken by peer)
Sep 20 19:22:22 :: Losing descriptor without char.
Sep 20 19:22:22 :: SYSERR: Missed 75 seconds worth of pulses.



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