Re: fscanf prob on Tue, Jan 04, 2000 at 10:16:39AM -0500

From: Christian Loth (
Date: 01/04/00


On Tue, Jan 04, 2000 at 10:16:39AM -0500, Michael Gallagher wrote:
> i've been trying to make the shop's bank account save to a seperate file.
> (i know there's probably an easier way to do it but this suits me fine)

[ writing code snipped ]
> and this is the code that reads it:
>      if (!(bank = fopen(fbank, "r"))) {
>        return;
>      }
>      fscanf(bank, " %d ", temp);
                            ^^^^^-- try &temp here.
>      SHOP_BANK(shop_nr) = temp;
>      fclose(bank);

- Chris

Christian Loth
Coder of 'Project Gidayu'
Computer Science Student, University of Dortmund -

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