Re: MUD is up

From: J P (
Date: 02/05/00

> Despite what some people might say or think, we (meaning the development
> team) do pursue license violations when we hear about them.  Of course,
> not everything can be handled in an immediate and timely manner; but most,
> I'm happy to say, are fairly quickly resolved by just asking nicely.  If
> you think that's all we will or can do... well, try telling that to the
> guy whose mud we had shutdown a few days ago.
> Of course, the preference is ALWAYS to try to get it resolved in a
> gentlemanly fashion.  Too bad it doesn't always work out quite so nicely.
> -dak : ...on the road...

Just a quick question:
Do the credits have to be the ones shiped  with circlemud?


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