Re: QP System

From: Del (
Date: 02/13/00

This probably is not the best way to do it, but it works..
note: you will have to make variables and add them to the structs..
      for your purposes.. If you don't know how.. check what is already
in your code
      and use that as an example.

  if ((retval = sscanf(line, " %d %s %s %d", t, f1, f2, t+1)) < 3) {
    log("SYSERR: Format error in first numeric line (expecting 3 or 4
args, got %d), %s", retval, buf2);
  obj_proto[i].obj_flags.type_flag = t[0];
  obj_proto[i].obj_flags.extra_flags = asciiflag_conv(f1);
  obj_proto[i].obj_flags.wear_flags = asciiflag_conv(f2);
  obj_proto[i].obj_flags.level = (retval > 3 ? t[1] : 0);

Jerry Billings wrote:
> In a message dated 2/13/00 6:35:51 PM Pacific Standard Time,
> writes:
> > change the db.c to accept three or 4 variables..
> >  if it's three.. manually set the 4th to 0
> >  if it is 4, just take in the 4th.
> >  I do this with several things.
> okay i like that idea, but can i get some pointers on how to do this?
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