Re: Weapon Spells Snippet

From: Mike Stilson (
Date: 02/15/00

On Tue, 15 Feb 2000, Ryan Le Gros wrote:

> Hey there, I'm emailing regarding add_wpn_spells.txt
> I added everything above the oasis stuff to make sure I was doing it
> properly and I encountered this problem:
> [illusion@sol src]$ make all
> db.c:1424: `wsplnum' undeclared (first use in this function)

That would be because it's not defined.  at the top of the function, just
put "int wsplnum=0;" and all will be well with the world.

> A few things I was curious about were where in fight.c do I add hit=FALSE;
> and hit=TRUE;

at the top of the function hit(), define "int hit=FALSE";

further down, after
  } else {
   /* okay, we know the guy has been hit */

Also, if you want, you could just take the references to hit out.  The
purpose of them is so that the weapon spells will only have a chance to
cast if you've successfully hit the mob that round.

> I am using Circle30bpl16 with DG pl7a and OasisOLC 2.0

> thanks for any help you can give or even possibly an updated snippet.
I'm not uploading a new snippet just to say to define 1 integer.


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