Re: Newbie: Trouble Making Makefile Under windows 98 withCygwin

From: John Madrell (
Date: 05/26/00

---- Original Message -----
From: "Paul Tidwell" <>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, May 25, 2000 9:36 PM
Subject: Re: [CIRCLE] Newbie: Trouble Making Makefile Under windows 98


> updating cache ./config.cache
> creating ./config.status
> configure: /bin/sh: No such file or directory
> so I tried going in my C:/circle30bpl17/bin directory and making /sh, And
> tried again, this time it went a ton faster because the information was
> cached, and it still returned
> updating cache ./config.cache
> creating ./config.status
> configure: /bin/sh: No such file or directory
> so I tried making a sh folder inside everything and anything in circlemud,
> which didn't work, following that i made a bin and then a sub folder of sh
> inside everything and I got a SLIGHTLY different message
> creating ./config.status
> configure: /bin/sh: No such file or directory
this line means it can't find the file sh.exe in the directory /bin

> now i'm totally lost and have not one clue what to do or where to make the
> directory, your help is needed..

the quick fix is to type :-

        sh ./configure

wait for the no file/directory message then type:-

        sh ./config.status

which will finish configure off for you

a another longer lasting way is to create the directory c:\bin using windows
explorer then copy the file sh.exe located in the cygnus directory somewhere
to the c:\bin directory, then type:-

        sh ./configure

and it should finish, hopefully, if I explained it right. :)

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