Re: OasisOLCv2.0-bpl17.tar.gz deadlink?

From: Michael Fara (
Date: 06/12/00

This one seems to still have assorted problems with it... it won't compile
:) Try copying the files over to a clean copy of bpl17 and doing a
configure; cd src;make

Alot of strange errors. I tried to correct a problem with the Makefile
myself but the dependencies seem to be messed up in the code aswell. Anyway,
just thought I would mention this. Thought it was important to tell you

I am thinking maybe Caniffe didn't fix all the problems yet, or the slim
possibility that I am doing something wrong (maybe not so slim), but you
should definately check it out since I am almost certain it will not compile
cleanly, or at all in my case.

By the way, this isn't really a serious problem for me, I just wanted to see
first hand what had changed with Oasis and CircleMUD since I last used it :)
I hope I am of some assistance atleast telling you these problems exist
though.. sorry I don't have any solutions

----- Original Message -----
From: "George Greer" <greerga@CIRCLEMUD.ORG>
To: <>
Sent: Sunday, June 11, 2000 4:20 PM
Subject: Re: [CIRCLE] OasisOLCv2.0-bpl17.tar.gz deadlink?

> On Sun, 11 Jun 2000, Michael Fara wrote:
> >I have experienced a problem when attempting to download
> >
> >
> >... referenced on Wondering if anyone has had
> >same problem and whether or not George knows about this problem?
> >
> >Just thought I would mention it.
> Ok, fine, I'll move the updated version from my /pub/greerga to
> /contrib/olc ...  Alex had removed the previous one due to assorted
> problems with it.
> I think Caniffe fixed them all. Anyway, go try now.
> --
> George Greer
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