Fw: Re: OLC & saveing OLC DATA

From: Brandon Allen (bamud@lanpartypdx.net)
Date: 01/02/01

 > /*
 >  * Original use: to be called at shutdown time.
 >  */
 > int save_all(void)
 > {
 >   while (save_list) {
 >     if (save_list->type < 0 || save_list->type > SL_MAX)
 >       log("SYSERR: GenOLC: Invalid save type %d in save list.\n",
 >     else if
((*save_types[save_list->type].func)(real_zone(save_list->zone)) < 0)
 >       save_list = save_list->next;     /* Fatal error, skip this one. */
 >   }
 >   return TRUE;
 > }

 ok i am an idiot i didnt look in any of the gen*.c files ....

 i am still unfamilure with the mud structure. i am not quite familure with
 the files and where what is.

 Now can someone tel me where to look for an internal timer that will
 allow me to do things in intervals.

 such as i want to check the save list for changes and to save every 10
 if there was any new data.

 i know that there are still problems with olc ( or so i have herd). Is
 saveing that often
 going to exploit any KNOWN bugs

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