Re: mixing C and C++ in CircleMUD

From: Robert Alan Byer (
Date: 03/06/01

>Just wanted to find out how the developers here feel about mixing C++ with
>the 'C' circle stock.  I understand the name mangling might not be a
>handled exactly the same way across all compilers, any pointers to making
>it as portable as possible using the mix?
I personally steer clear of any and all C++ code as with multiple plaforms
there are ALWAYS headaches and nothing ever works right.

I'm for keeping C++ code out as it only invites trouble I feel.

 | Robert Alan Byer | | ICQ #65926579 |
 | Send an E-mail request to obtain a copy of my PGP key.      |
 | "It is by caffeine alone I set my mind in motion.  It is by |
 |  cans of cola the thoughts aquire speed, the hands aquire   |
 |  shakes, the shakes become a warning.  It is by caffeine    |
 |  alone I set my mind in motion."                            |

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