Re: [NEWBIE] CircleMUD Info Was: New

From: Caniffe (
Date: 09/17/01


> well, in short...i'm new to the whole CircleMud implemetor experience.

The best place to start will be the CircleMUD archives, the address of
which will be contained at the bottom of this very message.  Use the
search facility therein to search for stuff you might be after...i.e. "add
new levels", or thereabouts.

Next place will be, which in as-current
re-modelling and might take a bit to be fully functionable.  The old site
that was there previously exists at:

>From there, try and get to the WTFaq link and check that out.  It's full
of many questions and answers.

Thirdly, try for useful information.  Take a look
at the list of sites on the CircleMUD Webring also; they might contain
information that will please you.


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