Re: dg scripts (was: Ceramic Mouse Gone byebye?)

From: Welcor (
Date: 09/27/01

----- Original Message -----
From: "Mielikki" <mielikki@EXILEMUD.COM>

> I was looking for the Ceramic Mouse site in order to get a copy of the
> code with DGscripts and could not find it. Can someone tell me where the
> best version with dgscripts might be found..

I'm currently updating the dg script patch to fit Circle bpl19 (I'll make a
version including, and one excluding, OLC). The most up-to-date (bpl15) patches
are still available from Mark Heilperns DG script pages at, as well as the ftp site.
However, I plan to have the new patches ready within a week (or two, depending
on workload). When they are ready, I'll upload to the ftp site, as well as
link to them from


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