Re: sneak and awarness

From: ironfist (
Date: 12/05/01

David Cole wrote:

> Hello,
> I added a new skill called Awarness, where if someone has the skill, they
> can detect if someone is sneaking/hidden etc... My problem is im trying to
> add it to act.movement.c in the spot where it tells you in what direction
> they left or entered, but my little hack job of coding it isnt working to
> well, can someone take a look and maybe exsplain to me what im doing wrong?
>   if (AFF_FLAGGED(ch, AFF_SNEAK)) {
>  if (GET_SKILL(world[ch->in_room].people, SKILL_AWARNESS) >= 1)
>     sprintf(buf2, "$n sneaks in from %s.", alt_dirs[rev_dir[dir]]);
>     act(buf2, FALSE, ch, 0, world[ch->in_room].people, TO_VICT);
>     improve_skill(ch, SKILL_AWARNESS);
>   } else
>   bla bla flying, walking, levitating......

well first you need brackets with your if statement but you also
need to loop through everyone in the room to send them the message.

declare struct char_data *vict;

    for (vict = world[ch->in_room].people; vict; vict = vict->next_in_room) {
      /* if you want to use a dice roll */
      if (GET_SKILL(vict, SKILL_AWARENESS) > number(1, 101)) {
        sprintf(buf2, "$n sneaks in from %s.", dirs[rev_dir[dir]]);
        act(buf2, FALSE, ch, 0, vict, TO_VICT);
   /* called after the loop so you only improve once */
   improve_skill(ch, SKILL_AWARNESS);
}else ....

think that should work...

Also, thanks to Welcor for the advice on kill_ems, seems to work so far =)


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