Re: PRF & PLR flags max 32?

From: Henrik Stuart (
Date: 01/20/02


> On Sat, Jan 19, 2002 at 12:36:58PM +0100, Templar Viper wrote:
> I decided to be a complete freak and switch to C++. I created a new
> 'bitvect' class, and typedefed bitvector_t to it. Internally, the
> bitvect class is stored as an array of longs.


   Nice work, I'd just like to make you take notice that you have
   actually reinvented the wheel. :o)
   The C++ standard template library contains two classes handing
   arbitrarily large "bitvectors", one being able to be dynamically
   resized and the other being of static size, decided at
   compile-time. The two classes are vector<bool> (overloaded template
   instantiation) and bitset, located in the files vector and bitset

   Since you rarely want to dynamically resize the item types, add new
   character preferences, etc. at runtime using bitset would probably
   the more sane way to go (which incidently is what I use in my
   source). :o)

   Now with a bitset you would do something like:

   #define AFF_CHARM 0
   #define AFF_CURSE 1
   #define NUM_AFFECTIONS 2

   Then instead of the affected bitvector you'd have this:
   std::bitset<NUM_AFFECTIONS> affected;

   (If you really want to use c++ changing the above defines to an
   enum would probably be nice too). :o)

   bitset supports a long range of wonderful functions: any (to test
   whether any bit is set at all), test (to test whether a bit is
   set), to_string (to convert to a string of 1's and 0's), to_ulong
   (you guess) :o)  Kindly enough bitset can also take a std::string
   as argument in its constructor so saving is merely a trivial matter
   of using to_string and passing the read string to the constructor.

   I hope that might help you to see a few simplifications to your
   model, and guide others who want to take the same direction to not
   spend too much time validating routines and whatnot in code they
   didn't have to write. :o)

   I might just add that using c++ really can simplify a lot in places
   due to the data abstraction - particularly working with linked
   lists is nice compared to c.

Yours truly,
  Henrik Stuart (

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