Re: problems with who2.txt

From: Jason Yarber (
Date: 06/11/02

Ok, I grabed the who2.txt file that your talking about, and heres my advice
for each on of your problems.

> undefined symbol arg
At the top of the file, or at the top of the function put

> undefined symbol buf
At the top of the file, or at the top of the function put

> undefined symbol buf1
At the top of the file, or at the top of the function put

> undefined symbol PRF_ANON
This is a preference flag, usually defined in structs.h, but since your
getting an error about it, you obviously don't
have this preference flag declared anywhere.  If however, it is declared in
structs.h along with the rest of the flags,
then check to be sure the file that you put the code from who2.txt in has
the following line near the top of the file
#include "structs.h"

> undefined symbol WHO_USAGE
> undefined symbol go
> undefined symbol boot_high
As for the rest of these, they didn't seem to be in the who2.txt file.  But
all they mean is that you don't have them
declared.  Simply declare them in the file where thier used, and your
problems should be solved.

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