Re: [newbie] [dg scripts] foolish errors and some notes

From: George Greer (
Date: 06/28/02

On Fri, 28 Jun 2002, Mathew Earle Reuther wrote:

>Here's what I get when I utilize trigedit.  (Note I get junk in some, but
>don't actually crash until I trigedit 5.)
>if 4627274irection
>  say Hello,, how are things to the 256irection?
>5.432332e-312choYou hear, 'Please put me down,'

You're not preserving the %-signs of the original string properly.  Either
you translated them away when you saved the trigger or you're not
displaying them properly.  Either double the %-signs that shouldn't be
interpreted or make sure they're not part of the format string but in one
of the %s-declared buffers.

George Greer

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