[NEWBIE] Help with CMD_IS("say")

From: Josh Harris (jharris2@ACSU.BUFFALO.EDU)
Date: 02/02/03

this is my problem.  and my code.

Problem:  I'm trying to make this stuff be said when something is said.
(This is part of the code ... the comparison strings I can do later but
that's not the important part)

Right now when I say something this stuff is being sent out the problem is
This is how it appears in the mud and I want the

You say, line to go before naything else is said?  How can I fix this?

500H 100M 82V > 'dammit . .
You just said something.
Gollum jumps up and down.
You say, 'dammit . .'


   if(CMD_IS("say") || CMD_IS("'"))    {

     act("You just said something.", FALSE, ch, 0, 0, TO_CHAR);
     act("Someone just disturbed Gollum.", FALSE, ch, 0, 0, TO_ROOM);
     act("Gollum jumps up and down.", FALSE, ch, 0, 0, TO_ROOM);
     act("Gollum jumps up and down.", FALSE, ch, 0 ,0, TO_CHAR);


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