Stoneheart (Victor Augusto B. D. de Almeida) From Darksun MUD - Brazil - Campinas/SP e-mail: This snippet is intended for use with DG Scripts, although you could probably use it with mobprogs as well. It will give you 1 new mob commands, mmove. What does ? a mob just type mmove, and walks in a random permited direction =) ============================================================== FILE: interpreter.c --> Somewhere in /* DG Script ACMD's */ ACMD(do_mmove); --> Somewhere in /* DG trigger commands */ { "mmove" , POS_DEAD , do_mmove , -1, 0, 0 }, FILE: mobcmd.c /* moves the mobile */ ACMD(do_mmove) { int mv = number(0, NUM_OF_DIRS-1); if (!MOB_OR_IMPL(ch)) { send_to_char( "Huh?!?\r\n", ch ); return; } if (AFF_FLAGGED(ch, AFF_CHARM)) return; while (!CAN_GO(ch, mv)) mv = number(0, NUM_OF_DIRS-1); perform_move(ch, mv, 1); } ============================================================== Very, very simple... i hope help =) []'s Stoneheart, Brazil.