Hellfire Using the majority of Frollo's autorun and the simple copy command, I made this autorun text script. Copy it to notepad then save it with an extension .bat to your circle dir. CHDIR and type autorun and away you go! It will create any syslog files that are not already there--one syslog per reboot. Don't forget to change the directory name in the copy commands if your game is in a different directory. Hellfire bonecrusher@cyberdude.com @echo off :START cls cd C:\circle DEL c:\circle\log\syslog1 COPY C:\circle\log\syslog2 log\syslog1 DEL C:\circle\log\syslog2 COPY C:\circle\log\syslog3 log\syslog2 DEL C:\circle\log\syslog3 COPY C:\circle\log\syslog4 log\syslog3 DEL C:\circle\log\syslog4 COPY C:\circle\log\syslog5 log\syslog4 DEL C:\circle\log\syslog5 COPY C:\circle\log\syslog6 log\syslog5 DEL C:\circle\log\syslog6 COPY C:\circle\log\syslog7 log\syslog6 DEL C:\circle\log\syslog7 COPY C:\circle\log\syslog8 log\syslog7 DEL C:\circle\log\syslog8 COPY C:\circle\log\syslog9 log\syslog8 DEL C:\circle\log\syslog9 COPY C:\circle\log\syslog log\syslog9 src\circle if exist pause goto PAUSE if exist fastbo~1 goto FASTBOOT if exist killsc~1 goto KILLSCRIPT echo [Rebooting in 60 seconds] choice /n /cb± /t±,60>nul goto START :FASTBOOT erase fastbo~1 echo [Rebooting in 5 seconds] choice /n /cb± /t±,5>nul goto START :KILLSCRIPT erase killsc~1 echo <--------------------------------------> echo * *GAME HAS BEEN SNUFFED ** echo <--------------------------------------> goto END :PAUSE erase pause echo <-------------------------------> echo * *TAKING A BREATHER ** echo <-------------------------------> echo [Press enter to reboot] pause > nul goto START :END