"Goto" problem (fwd)

From: Jeff (jfink@csugrad.cs.vt.edu)
Date: 07/21/94

Mud Administrator <absolut@b63740.student.cwru.edu> writes:
> Ok...I was fixing my shoot code to make it a spec_proc and to make a 
> MOB_SHOOTER flag.  I got the spec_proc to work fine finally, but then,
> for some reason, the MUD would crash whenever I tried to do a GOTO.  I 
> didn't touch goto...hell, I didn't touch anything in act.wizard.c, but 
> for some reason, goto is now screwed.  Even when I took the stuff I added 
> out, it would still crash the MUD.
> Any ideas???  Maybe I should just get the tar file for Circle 2.20 and 
> get the goto code out of it and recompile....

You can try replacing the goto code, but I doubt it'll work.  From
what you describe, a hundred things could be going wrong.  You really
need to use a debugger to examine the core dump.


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