Re: on _zone_ editing

From: Scott D. Treppa (
Date: 08/04/95

On Fri, 4 Aug 1995, Julian Fong wrote:

> Does anyone have any experience with an OLC that allows the editing of 
> zone files on the fly? I'm trying to implement one and I'm bandying 
> around several ideas.. the best thing I can think of is some sort of 
> "zone freeze" command. Basically you stop a zone from repopping and stop 
> every wandering mob from moving around. Then you walk around, load mobs 
> and objects, set doors etc etc, and then you do a "zone save"; this takes 
> a snapshot of the zone, and writes it to disk. This seems to me to be the 
> best way, but via this method there's no way of setting the max number of 
> objs/mobs you want to repop.

   One method I have seen is a command line method, which totally blows 
dikued away. Instead of useing a menu based type of thing just make 
commands to create area, mobiles, objects, and rooms, and zones. You use 
commands like 'room create <rnumber>' and other forms of commands, to set 
the desc and such. And for zones, you could do ir by what room your in 
and write commands that you want for that room.... something like command 
mload <mobnum>, and then have some sort of true/flase thing to control 
how many there are and such......
Hope it gives you some ideas...... 
> Levork

   -Harvey, It can never be to simple.

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