Re: FlameFest II: This is is not CS 1

From: John C. A. Bambenek, Esq. (
Date: 05/09/96

On Thu, 9 May 1996, Brian Pape wrote:

> > that NO one reads those computer manuals, don't believe me, call any
> > computer company and they will tell you that a lot of people don't read
> > the manuals at all.  In fact, some people just buy computers because the
> > have the money to blow away, THINK ABOUT IT!
> That doesn't mean these people have to run muds, or ask stupid questions
> here.
> Taran.
> Reign of Towers

Well, you are the god and we should all just pray to be as good as you.

|from: John C. A. Bambenek  &         |BattleTech 3056 MUSE              |
|      Christina M. Drummond          | 3056             |
|     |Johnny Cash, Head of Economy,     |
||Free Worlds League                |
|Legends ( 9000)           |Taz ( 7000)        |
|JC, Head of Mortal Council           |JC, Ass't Head Admin              |
Nietzsche : "God is Dead."	       God : "Nietzsche is Dead."

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