Re: [Circle] Just an observation...

From: Mark McArthey (
Date: 07/25/96

On Thu, 25 Jul 1996, Steve wrote:

> Circle Muds with Oasis OLC there are sitting out there. There is more to 
> being a mud imp than being able to patch. Its just a shame that there are 
> less and less GOOD muds out there, and more and more Circle 3.0 Bpl11's 
> with OasisOLC. Now I cant deny that I've used patches before, and its not 
> a bad thing, but a patches shouldn't be you're whole Mods to circle. And 
> i think a circlemud with standard patches is just as Untouched/Unoriginal 
> as standard Circlemud.

Hmm, does this mean that the great work that was just done in getting
all of the patches put into the standard patches put into the standard
bp11 has obsoleted about 70% of the muds out there?  :):)
*grin* *rofl*

 Mark McArthey          `  _ ,  '   -  (o)o)  -

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