Re: C++ Cirlce Mud worth the effort?

From: Thomas Katzlberger (
Date: 10/31/96

You wrote:
> 1. Charecter's: Structures or Classes?
> Switching to classes would allow for certain player-specific
> actions (equiping, removing, fighting) to be contained within the
> class. Not much of an advantage if you look at it one way, I'm open
> to your opinions on the matter, from charecter creation to death.

Definitely classes.

Data Structures Inheritance:

                          /  \
                         /    \
                        /      \
             ItemPrototype    ItemInstance

                        /       \
                       /         \
                      /           \
                   Player       Mobile
                   (God ?)


                 /   |   \
                /    |    \
               /     |     \
            Rooms  Items  Mobiles (prototypes)
           /     \
          /       \
         /         \
Characters         ItemInstances
> 2. Channels?
> I'm thinking that removing the current channel system with a stream
> defined to send messager over the telnet system would be easier to
> deal witht he current system. Image sending text to players with
> statements like 'pout << "You are sleeping";' and 'vout << "You
> fell chilled";' rather than the sprintf etc statements in current

Too much work, just count the send_to_char statements in the code 
and add the acts and then rethink. i personally don't like C++ streams.

> Circle coding. Adding gossip, chat, and clan channels could be a
> greatly simplified process, all derivatives of a (new? Know c++ but
> not much about unix specfic stuff like socket programming) base
> stream.

Heh, there are other big advantages of OO that make it worth.

_/_/                                                            _/_/
_/_/  Thomas Katzlberger                                        _/_/
_/_/                               _/_/
_/_/                  _/_/
_/_/                                                            _/_/
_/_/  "You can tune a file system, but you can't tune a fish."  _/_/
_/_/                                UNIX man page for tunefs.   _/_/
_/_/                                                            _/_/
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