A few simple questions

From: Robert Levy aka the Cyber space cadet (csc@exis.net)
Date: 01/03/97

1) I read in building.doc that you can add comments to .zon files by
preceeding a line with a *. Is this true for .mob, .wld, .obj, and .shp files?

2) I know there are lots of 'em already out there, but I am determined to
make my own off-line editor. As the people who will actualy USE my program,
what would make a prgram like this easier to use, user friendly, fun to use,
and used often? What feature would you like? What would you not want?

        Thanx for yer time,
        Robert Levy aka Csc the Cyber space cadet
This message is from Robert Levy.
Also known as Csc the
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