Help with Manual Patch

From: Shaw (
Date: 02/22/97

I can do the !, +, - patch thing but this one is a little different,
here is part of it:

<   struct alias *abubu;
<   char fname[200];
<   FILE *alidb;
<     if((abubu = GET_ALIASES(ch)) != NULL )
<     {
<      send_to_char("Saveing your aliases....\r\n",ch);
<      sprintf(fname,"%s/%s",ADB_PREFIX,ch->;
<      alidb=fopen(fname,"w");
<      if(alidb != NULL )
<      {
<       while(abubu != NULL )
<       {
<       fputs(abubu->alias,alidb);
<       fputs("\n",alidb); /* in order to make fgets work well */
<       fputs(abubu->replacement,alidb);
<       fputs("\n",alidb); /* in order to make fgets work well */
<       abubu=abubu->next;
<       }
<       fclose(alidb);
<       send_to_char("Aliases are saved. Go in peace now.. \r\n",ch);
<      }
<      else
<       send_to_char("Gulp. Err.. Lost them... c'est la vie...
<     };

Its the alias save patch.  I'm not sure what the numbers mean, most
likely line number but I have changed these files and the line could be

If anyone knows of another alias save patch please let me know!

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