Re: Chown

From: Crimson Wizard (cwizard@GIBLETS.COM)
Date: 08/08/97

Changed it already *sheepish grin*

  struct char_data *victim;
  struct obj_data *obj;

  two_arguments(argument, buf, buf2);

  if (!*buf)
    send_to_char("Syntax: chown <object> <character>.\r\n", ch);
  else if (!(victim = get_char_vis(ch, buf2)))
    send_to_char("No one by that name here.\r\n", ch);
  else if (victim == ch)
    send_to_char("Are you sure you're feeling ok?\r\n", ch);
  else if (GET_LEVEL(victim) >= GET_LEVEL(ch))
    send_to_char("That's really not such a good idea.\r\n", ch);
  else if (!*buf2)
    send_to_char("Syntax: chown <object> <character>.\r\n", ch);
  else {
    act("$n makes a gesture and $p flies from $N to $m.",
    send_to_char("You make a gesture and $p flies from $N to you.\r\n", ch);
    send_to_char("$N makes a gesture and $p flies from you to $m.\r\n", victim);    obj_from_char(obj);
    obj_to_char(obj, ch);

only problem is it's saying that obj may be un-initialized.. i thought
struct did that... *shrug*.. i'll keep working on it :)

whois|grep YEA2|awk '{print $1}'
whois|grep DOM|awk '{print $1}'
whois|grep DOM|awk '{print $1}'|cut -c1
whois tm920|grep TM920|awk '{print $4}'|cut -d@ -f1

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