From: Jeremy Elson (jelson@CIRCLEMUD.ORG)
Date: 11/04/97

This is a minor bug.  Both set_sendbuf() itself and the calls *to*
set_sendbuf() are supposed to be surrounded by #ifdef SO_SNDBUF.

The bug actually was caused by me not being able to make up my mind
between this:

 #ifdef SO_SNDBUF
void set_sendbuf(int desc)



  #ifdef SO_SNDBUF


And this:

void set_sndbuf()
 #ifdef SO_SENDBUF




I guess after the third time of switching back and forth I got them
unsynchronized :-).

"d. hall" writes:
>In patch level 12: I was browsing through comm.c, since I was thinking
>about making circle protocol independent or else at least upgrading most of
>it's functions to IPv6 functions, I came across a call to set_sendbuf() in
>init_socket().  set_sendbuf() is only defined if SO_SNDBUF is defined, if
>this socket option doesn't exist (seriously can't think of many legacy
>systems that don't have it), there may be problems.
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