Re: GUI World Builder Using tcl/tk

From: Chris Jacobson (fear@ATHENET.NET)
Date: 12/12/97

On 1/18/98 1:14 PM, Chuck Carson (chuck@DIGMO.ORG) stated:

>I am contempleting writing a circle world builder using tcl/tk for those of
>us in the unix world (however I think tcl/tk is available for windoze now).
>I do not have the time to do such a program alone and am seeking anyone else
>who may be interested in helping out. Tcl/Tk is about as simple as
>programming languages get, (yes, even easier than perl) and it is about the
>easiest GUI programming language out there. (yes, even easier than Visual
>Basic) If you know perl or C, it will take you about 30 minutes of browsing
>through a tcl/tk  book or web site to get up to speed. What gave me this
>idea was the Make Zones Fast editor written for the Rom code base. It
>generated maps, automatically linked adjacent rooms (so only one side of the
>exit was entered) etc...

TCL/Tk is available for all platforms now.

- Chris Jacobson

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