Re: 2 questions

From: Rob Baumstark (shirak@CONNECT.AB.CA)
Date: 03/01/98

>1) Is there a command in stock circle to get someone to stop following
>you? (I cant believe I dont know this by now...)

Not that I know of.  You can always group all/ungroup, but I've found a few
times where I've wished there was a command (when I play). so I wrote one:

  struct char_data *follower;

  void stop_follower(struct char_data *ch);
  void add_follower(struct char_data *ch, struct char_data *leader);

  one_argument(argument, buf);

  if (*buf) {
    if (!(follower = get_char_vis(ch, buf))) {
      send_to_char(NOPERSON, ch);
  } else {
    send_to_char("Who do you want to stop following you?\r\n", ch);

  if (follower->master != ch) {
    act("$N is not following you.", FALSE, ch, 0, follower, TO_CHAR);
  } else {
 act("You tell $M to stop following you.", FALSE, ch, 0, follower, TO_CHAR);
 act("$n tells you to stop following $m.", FALSE, ch, 0, follower, TO_VICT);

If ya find any bugs in it, e-mail 'em to me.

     Rob Baumstark:

   Forsaken Realms:   telnet://

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