Re: [OFF TOPIC][New Mud Base]

From: Julian Buckley (
Date: 12/14/98

> > It wouldn't take a lot of convincing to make the next version of CircleMUD
> > in C++.  Or at least that is how Jeremy felt last time the issue came up.
> > Then the issue becomes whether it is better to start from scratch rather
> > than try to convert the existing code over to the C++ model.  And if we
> > start from scratch, should we continue MUD++ (GPL) or begin anew?
> >
> The only thing I would be concerned with, would the basic linux system
> (redhat 5.x or what ever) still be able to compile the c++????
> If it would not, I would not recommend going to it.
> Other than that, if it is more complicated to understand then I would
> still recommend not going to it for the newbies again.
> If the base code is going to be re-written in c++ would there be others
> out there that would be continuing the efforts on the C code?

Couldn't possibly imagine a CircleMUD platform which would be unable to be
run in Linux =)  Would be a disaster!

What I'm interested in is, does there exist a page whereby George you've
listed down the projects you wish to explore in CM 4.0+ (or 3.1+)?  Or
would a rough copy be the TODO file?

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