Re: NEWBIE: configure problems

From: Klaus Myrseth (
Date: 03/19/99

Just a tip, i dont know Cygnus, but these questions come over, and over and
over and over and over and over again, check the archives, there is a LOT
about Cygnus, btw unix dont take \ as a directory/file delimiter, you have
to use /, that might be one, or you mught want to run sh and your command
like: sh configure, might work, well my tip to you is check out the
archives, search on Cygnus, and im sure you will get more docs than follows
the sofware itself.

Med vennlig hilsen
Klaus Myrseth
Telefon: +47 22 62 70 10
Faks:     +47 22 62 70 15
Mobil:           95 23 75 37

-----Original Message-----
From:   Circle Discussion List [mailto:CIRCLE@POST.QUEENSU.CA] On Behalf Of
Jess Heinig
Sent:   Friday, March 19, 1999 11:19 AM
Subject:         NEWBIE: configure problems

  Unfortunately, trying to run ".\configure" just gives me "configure:
not found." I'm also using Win 98, but I tried your "configure | sh" and
"autorun | sh &" fixes and neither worked, I'm sad to say (with "configure:
command not found" and "autorun: command not found," followed by "[1] 1673
[1]+ Done autorun | sh," whatever that means).
  If you can by any chance remember what you did to get it to work, I'd be
much obliged. It beats spending $600 for a Microsoft C++ compiler . . .

Thanks again,
Jess Heinig

Sean Tindall wrote:

> I am using Cywin GNU under Windows NT Server and I have had no problems
> configuring and compiling my mud.  In fact, I didn't have to use "sh
> .\configure", I just ran ".\configure". (Actually I just used "configure",
> I added "." to my path environment variable.)
> The very first time I used Cygwin GNU, it was under Windows 98 and I had a
> little problem with the "configure" and "autorun" shell scripts.  I think
> the command I used was "configure | sh" or "autorun | sh &".  I can't
> remember what I did to fix it, but eventually I had the shell scripts
> running exactly as if they were actually on a Unix box.
> I hope some of this helps.
> sT
> -----Original Message-----
> From:   Jess Heinig []
> Sent:   Thursday, March 18, 1999 2:59 PM
> To:
> Subject:         NEWBIE: configure problems
>   First post and I'm already starting with the dumb questions.
>   Since I'm cheap and I'm spending money on hardware instead of a decent
> compiler, I'm using freeware to compile a copy of Circle 3.0. It doesn't
> help that I'm a Unix retard.
>   I'm using Cygwin GNU-Win32, the Unix emulator for Windows. I've got
> their version 20.0, and I've managed to set up my /bin and /tmp
> correctly despite their name changes to some of the paths. I've got the
> Cygwin bin executables directory mounted to "/bin." I get "sh
> ./configure" up and running, and it goes through all the checks,
> finishes everything up, then ends with a mournful "./configure: /bin/sh:
> not found" message that keeps me from getting anywhere.

>   Once I can get past this and the make, I can probably do fine since
> I'm OK with gcc . . . I just suck at Unix and can't figure out what I'm
> doing wrong here. Any help/flames/comments would be most welcome.
> Thanks,
> Jess Heinig
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