Re: Legacy code, what is the origin of this chunk?

From: George Greer (
Date: 03/22/99

On Mon, 22 Mar 1999, Jeremy Elson wrote:

>Alex writes:
>>Dead Sea?  Nope... never heard of that one.  Maybe it's a legacy from
>>Copper or something?  Maybe an area in CircleMUD 1.x?  Jeremy'd be the
>>one to ask on that note, as he's likely the only one with archived
>>copies of 1.x
>I have a very vague memory (or maybe I'm just imagining this) of
>putting that line in as a joke -- there never was a function called
>ROOM_IDENTITY or a constant called DEAD_SEA, I just thought it was
>funny to say you don't need a boat if you're trying to walk over the
>dead sea :-).

Looks like a pl7 -> pl8 change so you're probably right. :)

George Greer            | The Ceramic Mouse & Snippets   |

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