Re: Bounds Checking

From: Peter Ajamian (
Date: 08/19/99

Chuck Carson wrote:

> I am having a week long brain fart.... So excuse me if this
> is newbie.
> I need to do some bounds checking where the valid values
> are the number 0, and the lower case letters a-z. (upper
> case letters are converted prior to entering this function so
> I do not need to worry about that)
> I currently use (if arg && *arg) but this is letting thru
> values such as -1.
> This is in medit, to some additional menus I am adding.
> Is there a more thorough method of doing this?

Try something like the following (untested)...

if (strcspn(arg, "0abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz")) {
  send_to_char("Invalid entry, try again: ", ch);



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