[Circle] Spell combinations

From: Wes Young (Hellri1308@aol.com)
Date: 05/25/00

Here's what i'm looking to implement just dunno where to start or how to
attempt this code. first off i got events...so first part shouldnt be to hard.

Spell delay such as.
Player #1 starts concentrating on a spell.
round 1
round 2
Player #1 is finnished concentrating on the spell.
(spell fire)
or if inturpted spell,
Player #1 starts concentrating on a spell.
round 1
Player #1 inturpts his/her spell to cast another.
Player #1 starts concentrating on the spell.(set delay to
spell_delay)(basicly restart delay)
round 1
round 2
(spell fire)
That's all i need for that.....now here comes the fun part

I would like to also implement or try to, anyway
Player #1 starts concentrating on the spell. (Boulders (area spell))
Player #2 starts concentrating on the spell. (Mass Fireball (also area spell))
round 1
round 2
(if player 1&2 finnish delay at same time affect equals)
Player #1 and Player #2 combined powers to do a Dazzeling show.
METEOR SWARM rains down from the heavens!
(kinda neat huh?)

any help would be appreciated...

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